Fatou Elise Ba
French Version
Chercheuse à l'IRIS, responsable du Programme Humanitaire et Développement

+33 (0)1 73 77 11 88
Fatou Elise Ba

Fatou Elise Ba is a research fellow at IRIS, in charge of the Humanitarian and Development Programme. She specializes in human rights, humanitarian and advocacy and policy. She works on advocacy for vulnerable population, on the gender equality issues and empowerment of Women and Girls and on global health issues.


Before joining IRIS, Fatou Elise Ba worked for several years in International Organizations and NGOs in West Africa. She has coordinated campaigns to promote human rights and raise awareness among public authorities and communities. She has also led training of capacity building in health programs in West and Central Africa and the Maghreb and Middle East regions.


She holds a master’s degree in crisis management, emergency intervention and development actions from the Institute for the Study of Economic and Social Development (IEDES) of the University of Paris Pantheon Sorbonne. She also holds a certificate in African studies from Science Po Bordeaux.