Didier Billion
French Version
Directeur adjoint de l'IRIS

+33 (0)1 53 27 60 67
Didier Billion

Certified in history and geography, Doctor in political sciences, he is a professor for the National Education. He joined IRIS in 1991, as research fellow for Middle East issues and more particularly contemporary Turkey. From 1998 to 2002, he was director of studies, and is Deputy Director of IRIS since 2002.
Author of numerous articles and of a book on Turkish foreign policy « La politique extérieure de la Turquie » (L’Harmattan), then « L’enjeu turc » (Armand Colin), Didier Billion has directed publications like « The New Faces of an enlarged Europe » (PUF/IRIS), « Le rôle géostratégique de la Turquie » (IRIS Presse) and « Actualités de l’État palestinien » (Complexe).