Carole Gomez
French Version
Chercheuse associée à l'IRIS

+33 (0)1 53 27 60 77
Carole Gomez

Carole Gomez is a graduate assistant in sociology of sport at the Institute of Sport Sciences of the University of Lausanne (ISSUL). She is writing her thesis on how international sports federations deal with gender-based violence within their sport.


She is also associate research at IRIS, specialising in the geopolitics of sport.


Trained as a lawyer, she worked in the Cabinet Office of the Ministry of Sports before joining IRIS in 2013 as a researcher and then research director.


Her research work, mainly conducted for French and foreign institutions, focuses on sports diplomacy, integrity issues and sports governance reform.


Involved in IRIS Sup’, she teaches courses on international sanctions and the geopolitics of sport.


She is a member of the editorial board of La Revue internationale et stratégique.


Languages spoken: French, English, Spanish.