Defence and Security Industry

The Defence and Security Industry Programme seeks to provide information to policymakers, industry officials and the general public on defence and armament issues and security technology. The Programme studies the broad outlook and trends in this field. It draws notably on the Armament Industry European Research Group (ARES Group) network.

Defence industrial links between the EU and the US
by Jean BELIN, Associate Professor, Chaire Economie de défense, Keith HARTLEY, Emeritus Professor of Economics, University of York, Sophie LEFEEZ, Associate Research Fellow, IRIS, Hilmar LINNENKAMP, Non-Resident Senior Fellow, SWP, Martin LUNDMARK, Associate Professor in Military technology, Swedish Defence College, Hélène MASSON, Senior Research Fellow, FRS, Jean-Pierre MAULNY, Deputy Director, IRIS, Alessandro R. UNGARO, Research Fellow, IAI
The Impact of Brexit on the European Armament Industry
By Olivier DE FRANCE, Research Director, IRIS, Bastian GIEGERICH, Director of Defence and Military Analysis, IISS, Alessandro MARRONE, Senior Fellow, IAI, Jean-Pierre MAULNY, Deputy Director, IRIS, Trevor TAYLOR, Professorial Research Fellow, RUSI
Eu Regulatory Incentives for Armament Cooperation: Lessons from directive 2009/81/EC
By Edouard Simon, PhD Candidate – University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
Promoting European Defence Cooperation and the Promise of Financial Incentives
by Daniel Fiott, Security and Defence Editor, the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS)
The Economics of European Defence: Some Additional Insights
by Jean Belin, Josselin Droff, and Julien Malizard, Chaire Économie de Défense
Deploying Financial Tools in Support of European Defence Cooperation
by Guillaume de la Brosse, Adviser, European Political Strategy Centre, European Commission
Achilles, The Tortoise And CSDP: The Way Forward for Europe’s Defence
Defence and Industrial Policy in Slovakia and the Czech Republic
by Martin Michelot, Deputy Director, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, and Milan Suplata, Security Policy Analyst
The Economics of European Defence
by Keith Hartley, University of York
Today’s Technological Innovations for tomorrow’s Defence
by Christophe-Alexandre Paillard, French Senior Official, Senior Lecturer (Sciences Po Paris), and Professor Nick Butler, King’s College, London.
Technological Innovation, the US Third Offset Strategy and the Future Transatlantic Defense
by John Louth, Senior Research Fellow and Director for Defence, Industries and Society at RUSI , and Christian Moelling, Senior Resident Fellow for Security Policy with GMF.
Appropriate Level of European Strategic Autonomy
Defence Industrial Policy in Belgium and The Netherlands
The Eu’s Security of Supply Agenda
by Sophia Besch, Research Fellow, Centre for European Reform
Le futur programme européen de recherche de défense
Par Frédéric Mauro, avocat au barreau de Paris
Senior Research Fellow at IRIS, Head of the Defense and Security Programme
Gaspard Schnitzler

+33 (0)1 53 27 60 60
Gaspard Schnitzler
Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Defence and Security Industry Programme
Jean-Pierre Maulny
Deputy Director
Federico Santopinto
Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Europe, Strategy and Security Programme
Louise Souverbie
Research Fellow
Olivier de France
Senior Research Fellow
Pascal Dupont
Associate Research Fellow
Patrick Charaix
Associate Research Fellow
Fabrice Debbasch
Associate Research Fellow
Philippe Steininger
Associate Research Fellow
They trust us
  • French Ministry of Defence
  • European Defence Agency
  • European Commission
  • Airbus Group
  • MBDA
  • Naval Group
  • Dassault Aviation
  • Nexter