Defence and Security Industry

The Defence and Security Industry Programme seeks to provide information to policymakers, industry officials and the general public on defence and armament issues and security technology. The Programme studies the broad outlook and trends in this field. It draws notably on the Armament Industry European Research Group (ARES Group) network.

Consent, dissent, misunderstandings. The Problem Landscape of Franco-German Defense Industrial Cooperation
The European Defence Fund: a Game Changer for European Defence Industrial Collaboration
par Gueorgui Ianakiev
Armament and Transatlantic Relationships: The Baltic States Perspective
by Margarita ŠEŠELGYTĖ, Director, Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University
National expectations regarding the European Defence Fund: The Polish Perspective
By Marcin Terlikowski, Head of the International Security Programme, Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)
Armament and Transatlantic Relationships: The German Perspective
by Bastian Giegerich, Director of Defence and Military Analysis, IISS
Armament and Transatlantic Relationships: The French Perspective
Armament and Transatlantic Relationships: The Dutch Perspective
by Dick Zandee, Head of the Security Unit, Senior Research Fellow, Clingendael Institute
National expectations regarding the European Defence Fund: The Italian Perspective
By Alessandro Marrone, Head of Defence Programme, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)
National expectations regarding the European Defence Fund: The Swedish Perspective
By Per Olsson, Project Manager for Defence Economics ans Materiel Supply, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI)
National expectations regarding the European Defence Fund: The Spanish Perspective
By Félix Arteaga, Senior Analyst, The Elcano Royal Institute (Real Instituto Elcano – Spain)
Moving PeSCo forward: what are the next steps?
PeSCo: The Swedish Perspective
by Anke Schmidt-Felzmann, Researcher at the Research Centre of The General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania
PeSCo: The French Perspective
PeSCo: The German Perspective
by Claudia Major, Senior Associate, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), and Christian Mölling, Research Director, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)
Senior Research Fellow at IRIS, Head of the Defense and Security Programme
Gaspard Schnitzler

+33 (0)1 53 27 60 60
Gaspard Schnitzler
Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Defence and Security Industry Programme
Jean-Pierre Maulny
Deputy Director
Federico Santopinto
Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Europe, Strategy and Security Programme
Louise Souverbie
Research Fellow
Olivier de France
Senior Research Fellow
Pascal Dupont
Associate Research Fellow
Patrick Charaix
Associate Research Fellow
Fabrice Debbasch
Associate Research Fellow
Philippe Steininger
Associate Research Fellow
They trust us
  • French Ministry of Defence
  • European Defence Agency
  • European Commission
  • Airbus Group
  • MBDA
  • Naval Group
  • Dassault Aviation
  • Nexter