Defence and Security Industry

The Defence and Security Industry Programme seeks to provide information to policymakers, industry officials and the general public on defence and armament issues and security technology. The Programme studies the broad outlook and trends in this field. It draws notably on the Armament Industry European Research Group (ARES Group) network.

What Are the Main Drivers of Member States’ Defence Procurement Practices? The Greek Case
By Christos Kollias, Department of Economics, University of Thessaly, Greece
What Is the Perception of Defence Industrial Partnerships with the EDTIB by Non-EU Countries? The Case of South Korea
By Mi Jung Kim, Senior Researcher, Machinery and Defence Industry Division, Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade (KIET)
What Are the Main Drivers of Member States’ Defence Procurement Practices? The French Case
By Dr. Renaud Bellais, Associate Researcher, CESICE, Grenoble Alps University
What Is the Perception of Defence Industrial Partnerships with the EDTIB by Non-EU Countries? The Case of Ukraine: Changing the Paradigm
By Mykhailo Samus, Director of the New Geopolitics Research Network (Ukraine)
The U.S. Industrial Defense Strategy after Ukraine
The EU, Artificial Military Intelligence and Autonomous Lethal Weapons
« Wartime Economy »: From Buzzword to Reality? Changes in European Defence Industrial Strategies since February 2022
Romania’s Perception of the EU Defence Industrial « Toolbox »
Dr Simona R. Soare, Senior Lecturer in Strategy and Technology in the Department for Politics, Philosophy and Religion, Lancaster University
France’s Perception of the EU Defence Industrial « Toolbox »
What future European Defence and Technological Industrial Basis (EDTIB) do we want/need? The Romanian case
By Raluca Csernatoni, Research Fellow at Carnegie Europe
What future European Defence and Technological Industrial Basis (EDTIB) do we want/need? The Swedish case
By Dr Calle Håkansson, PhD, Associate Research Fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI)
Germany’s Perception of the EU Defence Industrial « Toolbox »
By Jana Puglierin, Senior Policy Fellow and Head of ECFR Berlin
What future European Defence and Technological Industrial Basis (EDTIB) do we want/need? The Belgian case
By Dr Alexander Mattelaer, Senior Research Fellow at Egmont
Spain’s Perception of the EU Defence Industrial « Toolbox »
By Félix Arteaga, Senior Analyst at the Elcano Royal Institute
Financing the EDTIB to ensure the Security and the Sustainability of the European Industrial Model
By ARES Group
Senior Research Fellow at IRIS, Head of the Defense and Security Programme
Gaspard Schnitzler

+33 (0)1 53 27 60 60
Gaspard Schnitzler
Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Defence and Security Industry Programme
Jean-Pierre Maulny
Deputy Director
Federico Santopinto
Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Europe, Strategy and Security Programme
Louise Souverbie
Research Fellow
Olivier de France
Senior Research Fellow
Pascal Dupont
Associate Research Fellow
Patrick Charaix
Associate Research Fellow
Fabrice Debbasch
Associate Research Fellow
Philippe Steininger
Associate Research Fellow
They trust us
  • French Ministry of Defence
  • European Defence Agency
  • European Commission
  • Airbus Group
  • MBDA
  • Naval Group
  • Dassault Aviation
  • Nexter