Marine de Guglielmo Weber
French Version
Chercheuse à l'IRIS

Marine de Guglielmo Weber

Marine de Guglielmo Weber is a research fellow in the Climate, Energy and Security program at IRIS and scientific director of the Defence and Climate Observatory. She works on strategic and security issues related to climate change. As part of her academic career, she has also specialised in two areas: the study of issues relating to the circulation of scientific information on environmental and climate issues, and the study of technological solutions that seek to mitigate or reduce climate change through chemical interventions in the atmosphere – weather modification, geo-engineering.


Marine de Guglielmo Weber holds a PhD in Information and Communication Sciences from the University of Paris 8, a master’s degree in History of Science, Technology and Society from the École des Hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), as well as two first year of master’s: Visual Cultures (EHESS) and Contemporary Philosophy (University of Paris 1-Sorbonne).