Board of Director
Jean Musitelli
French Version
Conseiller d'Etat honoraire

Jean Musitelli

Jean MUSITELLI is a graduate of the École nationale d’administration and is agrégé in Italian, a language he taught in the 1970s.


He entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1979 where he held several high positions, including Chargé de mission to the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Roland Dumas (1990-1991) and Hubert Védrine (1997), Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of France to UNESCO (1997-2002), and was Vice-Chairman of UNESCO’s Executive Board (1997-1999).


He was also Spokesman for President Francois Mitterrand (1991-1995). He has served as Chairman of the Executive Board of the Latin Union (1999-2000) and is Chairman of its Congress since 2001. He is also member of the French Conseil d’État since 1989.


Mr Musitelli has held a number of other functions: Vice-President of the Arab World Institute (1990-1993); Member of the Administrative Councils of France’s Caisse nationale des Monuments historiques et des sites (1990-1991); the Observatoire européen de géopolitique ((1990-1995); and the Institut des relations internationales et stratégiques (since 1998).

He is also Chairman of the Administrative Councils of the Centre international d’études pédagogiques (since 1998) and the Institut national du patrimoine (since 1999). He has written a number of studies and articles dealing with cultural, political and strategic issues.


Mr Musitelli has received two high distinctions: Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur and Commandeur des Arts et Lettres.